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A member registered Apr 06, 2020

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(1 edit)

Just curious, what exactly does the blink item do? If dodging makes you invulnerable for a certain time and moves you to a certain distance, which is the only two factor that probably matters, what's the benefit of equipping the blink item if it affects neither of these?

Kind of the same thing goes for turret. It ends up hitting unwanted targets or miss (both the turret missing or mis-timing due to delay), and the contribution in overall dps is probably lower than not equipping at all. I certainly preferred the previous version of shooting 3 times with lower damage.

Also, I think it would be nice if the hexagonal/diamond/circular items appeared at the end of boss fights as well. Not as frequently as the square items though.

That is just going to make the dodge timing more difficult imo

Green note is almost mandatory for second boss because some rng placements require extremely fast reaction and player speed. They also give your bullets more speed, and hence gives further range, which is very useful.

Maybe a "rest" block, that does nothing and makes no sound but slightly powers up the next beat's attack. For example, a rest block placed on a yellow tile makes the next yellow beat have larger radius (but doesn't affect the other colour beats).

Is there a specific method of getting a golden portal or is it random? I want to figure out how to obtain it but the frequency of obtaining is very low